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Yang, X., Fiebelkorn, I.C., Jensen, O., Knight, R.T., and Kastner, S. (2024) Differential neural mechanisms underlie cortical gating of visual spatial attention mediated by alpha-band oscillations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 121:e2313304121.
Wang, L., Eddine, S. N., Brothers, T., Jensen, O., & Kuperberg, G. R. (2024). An implemented predictive coding model of lexico-semantic processing explains the dynamics of univariate and multivariate activity within the left ventromedial temporal lobe during reading comprehension. NeuroImage, 120977.
Fakche, C., Hickey, C., and Jensen, O. (2024) Fast feature- and category-related parafoveal previewing support free visual exploration. J Neurosci 44: e0841242024;
Bonnefond, M., and Jensen, O. (2024) Alpha Oscillations in Resisting Distraction. Trends Cogn Sci
Bonnefond, M., Jensen, O. and Clausner, T. (2024) Visual processing by hierarchical and dynamic multiplexing. eNeuro 11(11)
Bezsudnova, Y. Quinn, A.J., and Jensen, O. (2024) Optimizing magnetometers arrays and pre-processing pipelines for multivariate pattern analysis. J Neurosci Methods 412: 110279
Duecker, K., Idiart, M., van Gerven, M., and Jensen, O. (2024) Oscillations in an artificial neural network convert competing inputs into a temporal code. PLoS Comput Biol 20:e1012429
Lin, R., Meng. X, Chen, F., Li, X., Jensen, O., Theeuwes, J. and Wang, B. (2024) Neural evidence for attentional capture by salient distractors. Nat Hum Behav 8:932-944
Jensen, O. (2024) Distractor inhibition by alpha oscillations is controlled by an indirect mechanism governed by goal-relevant information. Commun Psychol 2:36
Cook, H., Bezsudnova, Y., Koponen, L.M., Jensen, O., and Barontini, G. (2024) An optically pumped magnetic gradiometer for the detection of human biomagnetism. Quantum Sci Technol 9:035016
Garner, K., Leow, L., Uchida, A., Nolan, C. R., Jensen, O., Garrido, M., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Assessing the influence of dopamine and mindfulness on the formation of routines in visual search. Psychophysiology 61:e14571
Pan, Y., Frisson, S., Federmeier, K.D., Jensen, O. (2024) Early parafoveal semantic integration in natural reading. eLife 12:RP91650
Ghafari, T., Mazzetti, C., Garner, K., Gutteling, T., and Jensen, O. (2024) Modulation of alpha oscillations by attention is predicted by hemispheric asymmetry of subcortical regions. eLife 12:RP91327
Bezsudnova, Y., Quinn, A.J., Wynn, S.C., Jensen, O. (2024) Spatiotemporal properties of common semantic categories for words and pictures. J Cogn Neurosci 36:1760-1769
Wang, L., Brothers, T., Jensen, O., & Kuperberg, G. R. (2024). Dissociating the pre-activation of word meaning and form during sentence comprehension: Evidence from EEG representational similarity analysis. Psychon Bull Rev 31:862-873
Bonnefond, M., & Jensen, O. (2024). The role of alpha oscillations in resisting distraction. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Wang, L., Brothers, T., Jensen, O., & Kuperberg, G. R. (2023). Dissociating the pre-activation of word meaning and form during sentence comprehension: Evidence from EEG representational similarity analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-12.
Leimeister, F., Pesquita, A., Jensen, O., Pauli, P., and Wiemer J. (2023) To remember or not to remember: Neural oscillations and ERPs as predictors of intentional associative fear learning. Int J Psychophysiol 19:S0167-8760(23)00500-7.
Griffiths, B. J., & Jensen, O. (2023). Gamma oscillations and episodic memory. Trends in Neurosciences.
Zhigalov, A., & Jensen, O. (2023). Perceptual echoes as travelling waves may arise from two discrete neuronal sources. NeuroImage, 272, 120047.
Zhao, C., Kong, .Y., Li, D., Huang, J., Kong, L., Li, X., Huang, J., and Li, X., Jensen, O., and Song, Y. (2023) Suppression of distracting inputs by visual-spatial cues is driven by anticipatory alpha activity. PLoS Biol 21(3): e3002014.
Melloni L., Mudrik L., Pitts M., Bendtz K., Ferrante O., Gorska U., Hirschhorn R., Khalaf A., Kozma C., Lepauvre A., Liu L., Mazumder D., Richter D., Zhou H., Blumenfeld H., Boly M., Chalmers D.J., Devore S., Fallon F., de Lange F.P., Jensen O., Kreiman G., Luo H., Panagiotaropoulos T.I., Dehaene S., Koch C., and Tononi G. (2023) An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory. PLoS One :18(2)
Pan, Y., Popov, T., Frisson, S., and Jensen, O. (2023) Saccades are locked to the phase of alpha activity during natural reading. PLoS Biol 21(1):e3001968
Li, D., Hu, Y., Qi, M., Zhao, C., Jensen, O., Huang, J., and Song, Y. (2023) Prioritizing flexible working memory representations through retrospective attentional strengthening. Neuroimage.
Luther L., Horschig J.M., van Peer J.M., Roelofs K., Jensen O., and Hagenaars M.A.. (2023) Oscillatory brain responses to emotional stimuli are effects related to events rather than states. Front Hum Neurosci. 16:868549.
Guo, J., Luo, X., Kong, Y., Li, B., Si, B., Jensen, O., Sun, L., and Song, Y. (2023) The effects of first-dose methylphenidate on the neural signatures of visual selective attention in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychology
Hardy, S. M., Jensen, O., Wheeldon, L., Mazaheri, A., & Segaert, K. (2023). Modulation in alpha band activity reflects syntax composition: an MEG study of minimal syntactic binding. Cerebral Cortex, 33(3), 497-511.
Scheeringa, R., Bonnefond, M., Van Mourik, T., Jensen, O., Norris, D. G., & Koopmans, P. J. (2023). Relating neural oscillations to laminar fMRI connectivity in visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 33(5), 1537-1549.
Popov, T., Gips, B., Weisz, N., & Jensen, O. (2023). Brain areas associated with visual spatial attention display topographic organization during auditory spatial attention. Cerebral Cortex, 33(7), 3478-3489.
Zhigalov, A., & Jensen, O. (2023). Travelling waves observed in MEG data can be explained by two discrete sources. NeuroImage, 272, 120047.
Jensen, O., & Ferrante, O. (2023). Prefrontal cortex oscillations update and stabilize consciousness during binocular rivalry. Neuron, 111(10), 1519-1520.
Duecker, K., Shapiro, K. L., Hanslmary, S., Wolfe, J., Pan, Y., & Jensen, O. (2023). Alpha oscillations in early visual cortex support visual search through inhibition of neuronal excitability to Target and Distractor features. Journal of Vision, 23(9), 5078-5078.
Minarik, T., Berger, B., & Jensen, O. (2023). Optimal parameters for rapid (invisible) frequency tagging using MEG. NeuroImage, 281, 120389.
Ferrante, O., Zhigalov, A., Hickey, C., & Jensen, O. (2023). Statistical learning of distractor suppression downregulates prestimulus neural excitability in early visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(12), 2190-2198.
Bezsudnova, Y., Koponen, L.M., Barontini, G., Jensen, O. and Kowalczyk, A. (2022) Optimizing the OPM sensing volume for MEG source reconstruction. Neuroimage 264:119747
Zhao, C., Li, D., Kong, Y., Liu, H., Hu, Y., Niu, H., Jensen, O., Li, X., Liu, H., and Song, Y. (2022). Transcranial photobiomodulation enhances visual working memory capacity in humans. Sci Adv 8:eabq3211
Brickwedde, M., Bezsudnova, Y., Kowalczyk, A., Jensen, O., and Zhigalov, A. (2022) Application of rapid invisible frequency tagging for brain computer interfaces. J Neurosci Methods 382:109726
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Popov, T., Gips, B., Weisz, N., and Jensen, O. (2022) Brain areas associated with visual spatial attention display topographic organization during auditory spatial attention. Cereb Cortex: bhac285.
Gutteling, T. P., Sillekens, L., Lavie, N., and Jensen, O. (2022) Alpha oscillations reflect suppression of distractors with increased perceptual load. Prog Neurobiol. 214:102285.
Scheeringa, R., Bonnefond, M., van Mourik, T., Jensen, O., Norris, D. G., and Koopmans, P. J. (2022) Relating neural oscillations to laminar fMRI connectivity in visual cortex. Cereb Cortex: bhac154.
Wislowska, M., Klimesch, W., Jensen, O., Blume, C., and Schabus, M. (2022) Sleep-specific processing of auditory stimuli is reflected by alpha and sigma oscillations. J Neurosci. 42(23): 4711-4724.
Pesquita, A., Bernardet, U., Richards, B. E., Jensen, O., and Shapiro, K (2022) Isolating action prediction from action integration in the perception of social interactions. Brain Sciences 12(4):432.
Ferrante, O., Liu, L., Minarik, T., Gorska, U., Ghafari, T., Luo, H., and Jensen, O. (2022) FLUX: A pipeline for MEG analysis. Neuroimage 253:119047. pdf, youtube
Hardy, S. M., Jensen, O., Wheeldon, L., Mazaheri, A., Segaert, K. (2022) Modulation in alpha band activity reflects syntax composition: An MEG study of minimal syntactic binding. Cereb cortex: bhac080.
Mazzetti, C., Damatac C.G., Sprooten, E., ter Huurne, N., Buitelaar, J.K. and Jensen, O. (2022) Dorsal-to-ventral imbalance in the superior longitudinal fasciculus mediates methylphenidate’s effect on beta oscillations in ADHD. Psychophysiology 56:e14008
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Duecker, K., Gutteling, T., Herrmann, C., and Jensen, O. (2021) No evidence for entrainment: endogenous gamma oscillations and rhythmic flicker responses coexist in visual cortex. J Neurosci 41:6684-6698. PDF , YouTube
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Kösem, A., Bosker, H.R., Jensen, O., Hagoort, P., and Riecke, L. (2020) Biasing the perception of spoken words with tACS. J Cogn Neurosci 3:1428-1437.
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Jiang, H., Bahramisharif, A., van Gerven, M.A.J., and Jensen, O. (2020) Distinct directional couplings between slow and fast gamma power to theta phase in the rat hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci 51:2070–2081.
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Mazzetti, C., Staudigl, T., Marshall, T.R., Zumer, J.M., Fallon, S.J., and Jensen, O. (2019) Hemispheric asymmetry of globus pallidus relates to alpha modulation in reward-related attentional tasks. J Neurosci 39:9221-9236.
Popov, T., Gips, B., Kastner, S., and Jensen, O. (2019) Spatial specificity of alpha oscillations in the human visual system. Hum Brain Mapp 40:4432-4440.
Zhigalov, A., Herring, J.D., Herpers, J., Bergmann, T.O., and Jensen, O. (2019) Probing cortical excitability using rapid frequency tagging. Neuroimage 195:59-66.
Drijvers, L., van der Plas, M., Ozyurek, A., Jensen, O. (2019) Native and non-native listeners show similar yet distinct oscillatory dynamics when using gestures to access speech in noise. Neuroimage 194:55-67.
Herring, J. D., Esterer, S., Marshall, T. R., Jensen, O., & Bergmann, T. O. (2019). Low-frequency alternating current stimulation rhythmically suppresses gamma-band oscillations and impairs perceptual performance. NeuroImage 184:440–449.
D’Andrea, A., Chella, F., Marshall, T.R., Pizzella, V., Roman, G.L., Jensen, O., and Marzetti, L., (2019) Alpha and alpha-beta phase synchronization mediate the recruitment of the visuospatial attention network through the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus. Neuroimage 188:722–732.
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Wang, L., Kuperberg, G. and Jensen, O. (2018) Specific lexico-semantic predictions are associated with unique spatial and temporal patterns of neural activity. eLife 7:e39061.
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Staudigl, T., Leszczynski, M., Jacobs, J., Sheth, S.A., Schroeder, C.E., Jensen, O., and Doeller, C.F. (2018). Hexadirectional modulation of high-frequency electrophysiological activity in the human anterior medial temporal lobe maps visual space. Current Biology 28:3325–3329.
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Lowet, E., Gips, B., Roberts, M.J., De Weerd, P., Jensen, O., and van der Eerden, J. (2018). Microsaccade-rhythmic modulation of neural synchronization and coding within and across cortical areas V1 and V2. PLOS Biology 16(5):e2004132.
Solis-Vicanco, R., Jensen, O., and Bonnefond, M. (2018) Top-down control of alpha phase adjustment in anticipation of predictable visual stimuli. J Cogn Neurosci 30(8):1157-1169.
Wang, L., Hagoort, P., and Jensen, O. (2018) Gamma oscillatory activity related to language prediction. J Cogn Neurosci 30(8):1075–1085.
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Lenartowicz, A., Mazaheri, A., Jensen, O. and Loo, S.K. (2018) Aberrant modulation of brain oscillatory activity and attentional impairment in ADHD. Biol Psychiatry 3:19-29.
Marshall, T.R., den Boer, S., Cools, R., Jensen, O., Fallon, S.J., and Zumer, J.M. (2018) Alpha and gamma oscillations support complementary mechanisms for processing stimulus value associations. J Cogn Neurosci 30:119-129.
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Wang, L., Hagoort, P., and Jensen, O. (2018) Language prediction is supported by coupling between frontal gamma and posterior alpha oscillations. J Cogn Neurosci. 30(3):432-447.
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Jensen, O. and Idiart, M. (2017) John Lisman (1944–2017) Neuron 96:961-963.
Staudigl, T., Hartl, E., Noachtar, S., Doeller, C.F., Jensen, O. (2017) Saccades are phase-locked to alpha oscillations in the occipital and medial temporal lobe during successful memory encoding. PLoS Biol. 15(12):e2003404.
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ter Huurne, N., Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Onnink, M., Kan, C., Buitelaar, J. and Jensen, O. (2017) Diminished modulation of preparatory sensorimotor mu rhythm predicts attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder severity. Psychological Medicine 47:1947-1956.
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Gips, B., Bahramisharif, A., Lowet, E., Roberts, M.J., de Weerd, P., and Jensen, O. van der Eerden, J. (2017) Discovering recurring patterns in electrophysiological recordings. J Neurosci Methods 275:66-79.
Gips B, van der Eerden JP, Jensen O. (2016) A biologically plausible mechanism for neuronal coding organized by the phase of alpha oscillations. Eur J Neurosci 44(4):2147-2161.
Staresina, B.P., Bonnefond, M., Michelmann, S., Jensen, O., Axmacher, N., and Fell, J. (2016) Hippocampal pattern completion is linked to gamma power increases and alpha power decreases during recollection. eLife 5:e17397.
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van de Nieuwenhuijzen, M.E, Axmacher, N., Fell, J., Oehrn, C.R., Jensen, O., and van Gerven, M.A.J. (2016) Decoding of task-relevant and task-irrelevant intracranial EEG representations. Neuroimage 137:132-139.
Scheeringa, R., Koopmans, P.J., van Mourik, T., Jensen, O., and Norris, D.G. (2016) The relationship between oscillatory EEG activity and the laminar specific BOLD signal. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 13:6761-6766.
van de Nieuwenhuijzen, M.E., van den Borne, E.W.P., Jensen, O., and van Gerven, M.A.J. (2016) Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cortical Representations during and after Stimulus Presentation. Front Syst Neurosci 10:42.
Vollebregt, M.A., Zumer, J., ter Huurne, N., Buitelaar, J.K. and Jensen, O. (2016) Posterior alpha oscillations reflect attentional problems in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neurophysiol 127:2182-2191.
Jiang, H., Popov, T., Jylänki, P., Bi, K., Yao, Z., Lu, Q., Jensen,O., and van Gerven, M.A.J. (2016) Predictability of depression severity based on posterior alpha oscillations. Clin Neurophysiol 127:2108-2114.
Marshall, T.M., Esterer, S., Herring, J.D., Bergmann, T.O., and Jensen, O. (2015) On the relationship between cortical excitability and visual oscillatory responses – a concurrent tDCS-MEG study. Neuroimage 140:41-49.
Horschig, J.M., Smolders, R., Bonnefond, M., Schoffelen, J.M. van den Munckhof, P., Schuurman, P.R., Cools, R., Denys, D., and Jensen, O. (2015) Directed communication between nucleus accumbens and neocortex in humans is differentially supported by synchronization in the theta and alpha band. PLoS ONE 10:e0138685.
Herring, J., Thut, T., Jensen, O., and Bergmann, T.O. (2015) Attention modulates TMS-locked alpha oscillations in the visual cortex. J Neurosci 35:14435-14447.
Staresina, B.P., Bergmann, T.O., Bonnefond, M., van der Meij, R., Jensen, O., Deuker, L., Elger, C.E., Axmacher, N., and Fell, J. (2015) Hierarchical nesting of slow oscillations, spindles and ripples in the human hippocampus during NREM sleep. Nature Neurosci 18:1679–1686.
Spaak, E., Fonken, Y., Jensen, O., and de Lange, F. (2015) The neural mechanisms of prediction in visual search. Cereb Cortex 26(11): 4327–4336.
ter Huurne, N., Fellon, S.J., van Schouwenburg, M., van der Schaaf, M., Buitelaar, J., Jensen, O., and Cools, R. (2015) Methylphenidate alters selective attention by amplifying salience. Psychopharmacol 232:4317-4323.
Marshall, T.R., Bergmann, T.O., and Jensen, O. (2015) Fronto-parietal structural connectivity mediates the top-down control of neuronal synchronization associated with selective attention. PLOS Biology 13:e1002272.
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Jiang, H., Bahramisharif, A., van Gerven, M.A.J., Jensen, O. (2015) Measuring directionality between neuronal oscillations of different frequencies. Neuroimage 118:359-367.
Bonnefond, M., and Jensen,O. (2015) Gamma activity coupled to alpha phase as a mechanism for top-down controlled gating. PLoS ONE 10:e128667.
Jensen, O., Bonnefond, M., Marshall, T. and Tiesinga, P. (2015) Oscillatory mechanisms of feedforward and feedback visual processing. Trends Neurosci. 38:192-194.
Marshall, T.R., O’Shea, J., Jensen, O., and Bergmann, T.O. (2015) Frontal eye fields control attentional modulation of alpha and gamma oscillations in contralateral occipito-parietal cortex. J Neurosci 35:1638-1647.
Okazaki, Y. O., Horschig, J.M., Luther, L., Oostenveld, R., Murakami, I., and Jensen, O. (2015) Real-time MEG neurofeedback training of posterior alpha activity modulates subsequent visual detection performance. Neuroimage 107:323-332.
Ketz, N.A., Jensen, O., O’Reilly, R.C. (2015) Thalamic pathways underlying prefrontal cortex–medial temporal lobe oscillatory interactions. Trends in Cogn Sci 38:3-12.
Horschig, J.M., Oosterheert, W., Oostenveld, R. and Jensen, O. (2015) Modulation of posterior alpha activity by spatial attention allows for controlling a continuous brain-computer interface. Brain Topogra 28(6):852-864.
Jiang, H., van Gerven, M.A.J., and Jensen, O. (2015) Modality-specific alpha modulations facilitate long-term memory encoding in the presence of distracters. J Cogn Neurosci 7(3):583-592.
Lozano-Soldevilla, D., ter Huurne, N., Cools, R., and Jensen, O. (2014) GABAergic modulation of visual gamma and alpha oscillations and its consequences for working memory performance. Curr Biol 24:2878-2887.
Okazaki, Y., de Weerd, P., Haegens, S., and Jensen, O. (2014) Hemispheric lateralization of posterior alpha reduces distracter interference during face matching. Brain Res S0006-8993(14)01307-9.
Zumer, J., Scheeringa, R., Schoffelen, J.M., Norris, D.G., and Jensen, O. (2014) Occipital alpha activity during stimulus processing gates the information flow to object selective cortex. PLOS Biol 12(10):e1001965.
Piantoni, G., Van Der Werf, Y.D., Jensen, O., and Van Someren, E.J.W. (2014) Memory traces of long-range coordinated oscillations in the sleeping human brain. Brain Mapp 36:67-84.
Händel, B.F. and Jensen, O. (2014) Spontaneous Local alpha oscillations predict motion-induced blindness. Eur J Neurosci. 40(9):3371-3379.
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Jensen, O., Gips, B., Bergmann, T.O.,, and Bonnefond, M. (2014) Temporal coding organized by coupled alpha and gamma oscillations prioritize visual processing. Trends in Neurosci 37:357-369.
Haegens, S. Vázquez, Y., Zainos, A., Alvarez, M., Jensen, O., and Romo, R. (2014) Thalamocortical rhythms during a vibrotactile detection task. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:E1797-1805.
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