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FLUX Toolkit

Utilize and interpret MEG data effectively in research and clinical practice

11th-14th June 2024

Centre for Human Brain Health

University of Birmingham

Toolkit Summary

Unlock the power of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data analysis with the FLUX pipeline - a state-of-the-art analysis pipeline for human electrophysiological data. Whether you are stepping into the field MEG research for the first time or are a healthcare professional looking to integrate MEG into clinical practice, our course is tailored to enhance your skills and support your research.

Join us at the Centre for Human Brain Health University of Birmingham from June 11th to 14th, 2024, for an immersive learning experience designed to benefit newcomers to MEG and clinicians eager to leverage and interpret MEG data effectively.

MEG holds immense promise in cognitive and clinical neuroscience, yet its data analysis poses significant challenges due to its technical complexity and lack of standardized approaches. In response to the growing demand for accessible MEG training we have developed the FLUX toolkit. We have developed a comprehensive analysis pipeline based on MNE-Python, one of the most widely used MEG analysis toolboxes. Throughout the course, participants will delve into the theoretical underpinnings of electrophysiology while gaining hands-on experience in utilizing FLUX to streamline data preprocessing, source modelling, and bast practice in regard to reporting.

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This project is supported by

  • NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR203316). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care

  • The Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI, University of Birmingham


Learning outcomes

Neuro AI

Gain fundamental knowledge of electrophysiology and practical expertise in streamlining analysis processes. Utilize a comprehensive analysis pipeline compatible with MNE-Python to master data preprocessing, source modeling, and result reporting, enhancing analytical skills and research proficiency.

Develop Analytical Skills and Research Proficiency

Neuro AI

Go beyond basic data analysis by learning to integrate MEG analysis to tackle specific cognitive and clinical questions. Benefit from insights shared by expert researchers who have utilized MEG and advanced analyses in their cutting-edge published research, empowering attendees to develop their own research projects effectively.

Apply MEG Analysis to Address Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Questions

Neuro AI

Foster open science and reproducible research practices by utilizing pre-registered report templates, enhancing methodology reporting in journals, and implementing standardized data formats such as MEG-BIDS. Equip participants with the tools to conduct robust and reproducible research in cognitive neuroscience.

Champion Open Science and Reproducible Research

Neuro AI

Experience dynamic in-person sessions where participants can engage in discussions, interact with instructors and peers, and seek clarification on course material. Maximize learning potential through interactive engagement and direct access to expert guidance.

Engage in Interactive In-Person Sessions

Neuro AI

Forge valuable connections with experts from the University of Birmingham and fellow attendees, enriching your professional network. Enjoy socializing opportunities throughout the course to foster collaborations and career advancement, particularly beneficial for researchers from underrepresented groups.

Expand Your Research Network

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The programme

The FLUX toolkit course is divided into two sections each day. The morning sessions cover the theoretical background, while the afternoons are reserved for practical, hands-on sessions. During the hands-on sessions, attendees will learn how to apply the analysis methods they have learned to a sample dataset. There will also be an opportunity to practice using their own data. Additionally, there will be a daily special interest talk where researchers from CHBH will showcase their latest  MEG research.

Time table

Time table



Prof. Ole Jensen

Professor in Translational Neuroscience


Dr. Anna Kowalczyk

Asistant  Professor


Dr. Tara Ghafari



Dr. Ana Santana Calisto Pesquita



Harry Cook

PhD candidate


Dr. Hyojin Park

Assistant  Professor in Psychology


Dr. Kyungmin An

Asistant  Professor in Psychology


Dr. Oscar Ferrante



Dr. Benjamin Griffiths

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow


Dr. Andrew Quinn

Assistant Professor in Psychology


Dr. Katja Kornysheva

Asistant  Professor in Human Neuroscience


Dr. Yulia Wilson-Bezsudnova



Lijuan Wang

PhD candidate

Led by esteemed MEG experts and seasoned researchers from the University of Birmingham's Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH), our instructors bring unparalleled expertise to guide you through every step. Our diverse team of instructors represents nine nationalities, ensuring a rich and inclusive learning environment. We're committed to fostering diversity and will prioritize candidates from underrepresented groups and ethnicities to ensure everyone has the opportunity to benefit from this transformative course.


Open Science



* a statement why you want to attend (1500 characters maximum)

The session is anticipated to host 30 participants, primarily early career researchers (including senior PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, and early-stage faculty members) as well as clinicians seeking to utilize and interpret magnetoencephalography (MEG) effectively.


The registration fee for the FLUX Hands-On Course is £160. The price covers registration, coffee, lunch, and dinner on one night.

We regret to announce that waivers are not applicable.

Important dates

Application (pre-registration) deadline: 20th April 2024, 11:59 pm (GMT)

Decision communicated: TBC

Course dates: 11th - 14th June


Elm House,

University of Birmingham,

B15 2TT,
United Kingdom


  • By taxi: Edgbaston Park Hotel, B15 2RS.

  • By car: North East multi-storey car park; 52 Pritchatts Rd, Birmingham B15 2SA . Use the RingGo app for payments.

  • By train: University Station (1 km; 13 min walk)


Once your application is successful, please get in touch if you need an invitation letter for your VISA application.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the FLUX Hands-On Course or the application, please contact us via

Organising committee


Prof. Ole Jensen
Dr. Hyojin Park
Dr. Andrew Quinn
Dr. Tara Ghafari
Dr. Oscar Ferrante
Dr. Yulia Wilson-Bezsudnova
Dr. Qiaoyu Chen
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